The 12th World Congress on Alternative Methods and Laboratory Animal Applications in Life Sciences Research (WC12) will be held in Montreal, Canada, from August 27-31, 2023, hosted by the Canadian Centre for Alternatives to Animal Methods (CCAAM) at the University of Windsor and its subsidiary, the Canadian Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (CaCVAM), according to the Congress website. CCAAM and its subsidiary, the Canadian Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (CaCVAM).
The Conference Series on Alternative Methods and Laboratory Animal Applications in the Life Sciences (WC Series) was established in 1993 by the Alternatives Conference Trust in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, to bring together multidisciplinary stakeholders from academia, industry, government, and the non-profit sector to advance the 3Rs - Reduce, Refine, and Reduce, Refine, and Replace (RR) animals in the life sciences. Since 1993, the WC Series has been held every two or three years on every continent in the Americas, Europe, and the Far East.
The conference will include official bodies related to toxicology or alternative methods of animal testing from dozens of countries and regions, including the USA, Europe, Japan, Korea, Australia, Belgium, UK, Brazil, etc. Such as the European Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM), the American Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CenterforAlternativestoAnimalTesting. CAAT), the Japanese Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods, (Japanese Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods, JCVAM), the Korean Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods (Korea Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods, KoCVAM). Alternative Methods (KoCVAM), etc. In addition, scholars and companies in related fields are invited to participate and share their research results or ideas at the conference.
The call for proposals for the conference is currently open until this Friday, June 10. Proposals should include the following six themes:
◆ Next-generation education
◆ Refinement and impact on science
◆ Ethics, welfare, policies, and regulations
◆ Human-centred biomedical research
◆ 21st Century predictive toxicology
◆ Regulatory acceptance and global harmonization
The abstracts are required to be less than 5,000 characters, with a concise, creative and attractive title. Interested parties can try to submit abstracts on the topic before the deadline.
Due to the new crown epidemic, the conference will be held in a virtual conference format, where users can listen to lectures and participate in interactions online. Based on the experience of the 11th conference, it will be available for viewing online on the web or by downloading the app, although it will not be completely free to the public and requires a registered user and completed research abstract submission. More than 800 research abstracts have been received and made public at the 11th Congress.
Registration for this conference will open on September 1, 2022, and the account will be used to participate in the official online conference. The platform will also continue to track this conference and bring you the latest information on experimental alternatives and animal applications.